As we evolve in the fly fishing manufacturing business, we find an even more demanding clientel watching our every web page. Like a Phoenix, we are born out of the ashes and have changed the face of the company. We sport a new attitude along with a new logo and a new motto.
Everyone expects a better product for a lower price these days and they will work hard to find a bargain. In July of 2010, Fly Fishing Benefactors will switch spools and put on the heavier line for the heavier haul. In 4+ years of business, we have yet to raise prices on any of our equipment. We actually lowered the price of some of our equipment, while other manufacturers raised their pricing. All the while, we have maintained a constant and ever present customer service base. We are proud to announce a new line of rods and reels for 2010, making this the 4th year in a row where we introduced an new piece of gear. We want to fish our way into our 4th year with much fanfare and excitement. We hope you'll join us.
We are making every effort to continue our support for fly fishing organizations that mutually support our target goals each year. I am sorry to say that we will no longer be a Trout Unlimited Guide and Outfitter and we will no longer be a Federation of Fly Fishers Sponsor. Our mutual interests are not tuned well enough to continue down the paths we have ventured in the past. We will continue to support the Virginia and Georgia TU Trout Camps.
Our primary focus for 2010 and beyond is continued support to Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Incorporated, the Virginia Fly Fishing Festival and with any luck this year, Casting for Recovery.
We look forward to supporting each of these programs with cash contributions and proceeds from sales of gear we brand and manufacture for these organizations. At the same time, we offer a committment to excellence and customer support to our current and future customers. We work on a reputation and we want to be your fly fishing manufacturing company. We build to satisfy the customer and to support our benefit organizations. Fly Fishing Benefactors - Benefiting the sport of Fly Fishing. We are having our biggest SALE ever at the web store now. Come visit us.