Fishing with Jim

Sunday, April 19, 2015

9th Annual Project Healing Waters 2-Fly Event

This weekend marks the return of the annual 2-Fly event at the beautiful Rose River Farm.  This is the 9th annual event.  We have a full PHW rod/reel package on the bidders block for the event. You can bid on-line for our donation or a lot more equipment here:

A complete Project Healing Waters Rod & Reel Outfit that includes:
  • PHW TFO Rod - 9', 5 wt., 4 piece with PHW logo on the rod
  • PHW camo Fly Rod Case with PHW logo
  • Limited/Numbered PHW Reel with etched PHW logo
  • Matching PHW Reel Spare Spool 
  • 3 Reel cases
  • Jim Teeny Floating Fly Line
  • Spool of Jim Teeny 20 lb Blue Braided Dacron Backing Line
  • 2 Loop Connectors
  • 4 9.0 ft Mono Leaders - 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x
  • Line Nipper/Knot Tool
  • PHW Aluminum 8-Window Fly Box with PHW logo

Please help the PHW program with a donation or a purchase of gear donated here.  The 2-Fly event is the organizations leading fund-raiser and we don't want to change that this year!

Thanks for supporting Fly Fishing Benefactors and Project Healing Waters.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Southern Trout Magazine Ad

We have a full page ad in the current addition of Southern Trout Magazine.

The web magazine can be viewed here:

Lots of great articles and advertising. 

My new addition to the family

Been a little slow in the upkeep of the blog of late.  Lots of things happening in my life, some good and some bad but the best thing for me in a long while is the introduction of my second daughter Cathleen Akiko Craig.  Born Dec 11, 2014 and weighing in at 8 pounds 7 ounces and 20 3/4 inches in length.

Cathleen (we call her Catie) has been a wonderful addition to the family and once again makes me really understand what the most important things are in life.  Catie and Evie (my first daughter who turns 5 this month) are inseparable and have a great time together.

I already had a pair of boys (men now) and they turn 30 (Mike) and 27 (Matt) this month.  But the girls are a new experience for me.  I am having so much fun with them.  It is like having a wonderful second chance and an opportunity to do things better, the second time around.

Both of my sons got married last year and I now have two new daughter-in-laws as well.  Matt and Debra and Mike and Nicole have their new starts in life together and we look forward to making the family bigger soon!
Stay tuned for more adventures from the Fly Fishing Enthusiast.