When I moved to Virginia for the second time in 2000, I made a promise to myself that I would take in more fly fishing, especially for the elusive "Brookie." I bought some books, went to some fly shops (sadly all gone now), and finally, did some surfing on the net. I was in search of a good guide, a "helping hand" to determine information not normally found in your guide books or reference articles on fly fishing. I found Virginia Fly Fish dot com. Stephen Sklarew, founder, is a Virginia Tech grad and an avid fly fisherman, to say the least. His approach to the site was to give everyone who was interested, ample and up-to-date information on streams, fishing conditions, parking, and public access of almost every good stream in the state of Virginia. I found myself printing off the maps from the website, looking into the stream reports, checking the stocking schedules, and searching through the multitude of forums, that all brought me closer and more prepared to fly fish in Virginia, than anyplace I have ever been! Virginia Fly Fish is perhaps the best "helping hand" that anyone could ever use to fly fish in Virginia. If you have not visited the site, you are really missing out on some good information and reliable fishing expertise you will not find anywhere, for FREE! Please visit the site and send them a contribution, so that Stephen can keep up the good work and keep us all up to speed on where to fly fish in Virginia!
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